How Do Beverages With Caffeine Affect Your Parkinson's?
I fully understand and I too feel the same way, what good is struggling, suffering everyday for the rest of your life and fighting to stay somewhat "normal" if you don't allow yourself to enjoy the "few" things that make you happy, I refuse to give up everything I love......
I need coffee to get moving in the morning. Although it causes my tremor to be a bit more noticeable I feel the benefit of the caffeine is worth it 😊
@ LesWilliams2 That's why you're looking a bit scrawny Les ! I didn't say that, someone else mentioned it, suggested you might try some Madcap coffee from Michigan ! 😄😄
I had a small cup the other day, revved me up good and proper 😁😁😃😃😮
Depending when I drink it, it helps reduce stiffness allowing me to move more normally. It helps boost dopamine I've read by acting as an adenosine agonist.
I did read somewhere in an article that caffeine since it’s a stimulant is good for Parkinson’s
In 3 Husbands Neurologist Went From Saying He Was First Steps Of PD To Dementia. This Is In Form Of A Question?
Is There Any Food Or Drinks That Is Bad For A PD Patient?
Just Wondering Is Caffeine Good For A Person With PArkinson’s? If So Or Not -why?