Ketamine Study For Parkinson's?
I've received information about the ketamine study at Yale. It seems very involved and I wonder if the reimbursement would be sufficient to cover my costs. I know all studies have some risks. Ketamine is a very powerful drug. My PD symptoms are hard to deal with but I am getting by. I don't want to do anything to complicate my current situation.
I was wondering what your thoughts are about participation in this study.
David, I don't know anymore about this study then what is in the article. Your neurologist is a great person to speak to about this study as they would have familiarity with the drug and your history. The study coordinator is also someone who could address your very valid concerns and questions. I have spoken directly to study coordinators in the past and since it is their job to work with potential participants, they have always been welcoming, willing to answer questions and explain the risks and benefits of the specific study.
I hope you find the info you seek to make a decision about whether to proceed or not.
Learn everything you can about it first pros and cons
David, I don’t really no much about Ketamine except that it can be helpful in treating hard to treat cases of depression and PTSD
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Ketamine. Yale Is Doing A Stugy On Ketamine For Parkinson's, And I'm Considering It If I Can Arrange The Logistics... Comments, Anyone?