Would You Like To Know More And/or Participate In A Yale Univ Study On PD And Depression?
Yale University is evaluating the safety and effectiveness of an FDA-approved antidepressant called ketamine for individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD)
We believe that ketamine could reduce depression and possibly target other symptoms of PD.
Participants will be randomly assigned to receive either the study drug (ketamine) or placebo (doesn't have an active component) twice a week for 3 weeks.
You will also have the option to take part in brain imaging before and after the treatment.
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I am content with the current medications/approach. Only interest is improving now hay I am using currently.
Thanks for your input Robert. Since this is a research study, I would think there would be no cost for the Ketamine while participating in the study. You make a good point about the clinic visits. Definitely something to consider when deciding whether to enroll in the study or not.
Ketamine is an expensive treatment not covered by insurance. In additiion, its effects are temporary, requiriing repeated clinic administrations. The Yale study.
I’m in contact. No response so far. 😉
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