I Was Diagnosed With Parkinsons Last Year. I Am Taking Carbidopa/Levodopa, But Don't See Any Difference.
I had tremors in right hand ONLY for about 3 years prior to diagnosis. Due to confusion of definitive diagnosis of PD generally, I still have doubts if it might be essential tremor instead. The neurologist who diagnosed me is leaving. I would appreciate a recommendation to someone expertly skilled in diagnosis to confirm or deny. I live in Eugene, Oregon 97401.
I'm sorry to hear that you're not seeing any improvement with Carbidopa/Levodopa. Here are some important points to consider:
- Effectiveness: Carbidopa/Levodopa is considered the most effective treatment for motor symptoms of Parkinson's Disease and some types of Parkinsonism
- Diet and Supplements: Avoid taking iron Show Full Answer
Le prenez vous bien très éloigné des repas , C'est-à -dire 30 minutes avant ou 2h après ?
I have a Movement Disorder Specialist
I can't take the Carbidopa/Levodopa, have tried different dosages, but all make me deathly sick, hven't seen neurologist in over 2 years, only have the tremors, but gets so irritating, tried to cook and everything goes flying, cup of coffee gets spilled everytime
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Can Anyone Enlighten Me On The Term Parkinsons Plus Please?
Does Anyone Take Something Other Than Levodopa And If So What Are Your Side Effects ?