Does Anyone Have A Problem Verbalizing Or Expressing Ideas Or Feelings In Words, Especially By Speaking Out Load?
I have no problem comprehending financial, legal, or other complex issues but I sometimes have trouble expressing or verbalizing my thoughts and responses. I am 70 years old and was diagnosed with Parkinsons in October 2022. (It took me almost 30 minutes to write pose this question)
Just read above post! I believe I said I would keep it short. But I did not make it. Kinda like that "3 hour tour" ๐ข๐ณ maybe that will be my analogy for Parkinson's. I didn't pack enough clothes for this ๐ณcruise. ๐ ๐ง ๐จโ๐ฆผ I relocated the emojis and remembered that my new transfer Chair is coming tomorrow. Clay's rotator cuff surgery is Thursday. We're gearing up to be gratefully helped through this process. Neither of us will be able to drive ๐ for awhile, my wheelchair weighs 60 lbs. Didn't know that until yesterday. So lots of last minute changes. Our friend who works as a caregiver was ending one job then joining us for short periods a day. I was so excited, we've been the two of us for so many years, others coming into our messy, inconsistent routines as our abilities and other things etcetera. Anyway, it was not working out, but she called today to let us know when she could be with us! Thanksgiving, tears, prayers, and ready to focus on our healthier days. In April, we are approaching our 45th anniversary. ๐๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฏ We were married in New Mexico. We did not have tacos but posole and a bonfire ๐ฅ on the banks of the Rio Grande River. No cake, no photo ๐ข. I will dig out some our precious piรฑon incense to bring it together again. And yes, thanks to my olfactory memory practice, I will be able to smell the smoky flames from our Adobe incense holder next to one of our Kachina dolls. And our matching Zuni wedding bands are not the original ones, not the same Zuni artists, but the same on our fingers, with New Mexico's spirit woven together with our enduring love. JudyTx ๐น
not my birthday but thank you. Don't know why the cupcake appears. thank you all for your input. It's great to know that there are people out there that really understand. I have said many times about Parkinsons, You really don't get it... Until you GET IT
My problem is that while having a conversation, the word I go to say has left. It's just gone.
Yes I have been having problems verbalizing my thoughts. Sometimes I use a word that's close but not the correct one, sometimes I draw a complete blank for the word I need so I do a work around, explain what I want to say. My Parkinson's PT has suggested Parkinson's Speech Therapy and I am wait listed for that. Where I go for PT offers a lot of therapies for Parkinson's. Check with your neurologist to see if there is a place near you that can provide a lot of Parkinson's services, including speech therapy, Big Exercises, support groups, balance, etc.
Yes I have problems all the time I know what I want to say but can't get the words out so I'm taking speech therapy called speak out
Does Anyone Have Any Exercises To Keep The Face From Feeling Frozen?
Memory Problems.
I've Started Stuttering Lately Trying To Get A Word Out And People Are Saying It For Me Does Anyone Else Experience This