Does Anyone Have Shortness Of Breath With Parkinson’s
My wife has a feeling of shortness of breath that probably relates to muscle contraction/stiffness in the muscles in her chest and perhaps the diaphragm. Sometimes giving her a mint to suck on helped distract her from the feeling of having restricted breathing. Her blood oxygen levels were always very high, even when the feeling of restricted breathing was severe.
I have shortness of breath and have been told that I don't breathe properly. I practice breathing into the nose and out to the mouth which simply wears me out. Holding my breath while speaking or concentrating on something is another problem with shortness of breath. I practice breathing but gets very frustrating having something that used to be so natural causing me to sit on the seat of my
Walker frequently and rest which takes me a long time to go from my room to the elevator which takes me downstairs to the dining room for meals or any other activity I would like to be a participant in and when I do it is too painful to play a few games of bingo with friends. I get angry with myself because I know.many of you have more advanced PD than I but this is only one symptom of this nasty disease and I often find.myself asking our sweet Lord to let me go to sleep and not wake in the morning. To be honest I am very afraid of facing what comes next after this level of PD. I am 76 years old and sometimes I just want to be done even though I have 2 lovely and loving.children and 4 lovable grandchildren who want me to live and not be sick which I want more than anything so I can spend my time with them having fun like we used to.Ok enough bitching. I need to sleep and stop burdening all you lovely teammates
I wish God to bless each one of you
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member - I would go to your GP. Shortness of breath can be a lot of things that need treatment, like heart issues or COPD.
I also have shortness of breath. I read somewhere it is a PD symptom.
HELLO!! I have shortness of breath along with asthma and COPD, MY voice has gotten so low that I can no longer be heard over the phone. I have been on a breathing machine for 3 months now and recently an inhaler but so far i do not feel any improvement. I have an appointment with my neurologist next week and hopefully he will have some advice or answers for me!😒❤️🙏
In 3 Husbands Neurologist Went From Saying He Was First Steps Of PD To Dementia. This Is In Form Of A Question?
I Have Had PD For 6+ Years. Recently I Have Found Myself Breathless (shallow Breathing). Can Anyone A Suggest A Way To Alleviate This?
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