What Do You Know About Balance Issues And Falls Related To PD?
People living with Parkinson’s disease are twice as likely to fall compared to people without Parkinson’s
There are a variety of reasons people with Parkinson’s are at high risk of falling, including bradykinesia, vision changes, fatigue, and rigidity.
Exercise, physical therapy, and medical interventions can help people with Parkinson’s find solutions to balance issues and falling.
As people age, their risk of falling increases. However, people with Parkinson’s disease experience twice the… read more
I recently started experiencing light headed when standing. Not always so I am not sure when it will hit. Also, bouncing into things when walking. Now I have been brutal on my body my whole life. Several broken bones, concussions, 1 heart attack, DVT's and PE's. My walking is not fun but I have noticed that my steps can be a shuffle and I trip on stupid things. I froze in the doorway the other day and ended up falling forward with my coffee and breakfast. Scratch that morning. What do I do to stay ahead. My generous neighbor loves to throw baseball back and forth. Glove up and throw. Yes I do fall. Yes he laughs. Yes I think its doing good. Keeps my eyes moving and arms reaching. BTW we play in a grass drainage ditch. So pretty soft landing even for a 6'3' 300 lb guy. Keep on going until you cant.
Lucas53 and others,
Thanks for the info re falling. My hub does have quite a time not falling because of his weakness in his legs. I will tell him about all of this. Hope you are all having a good day today. Take care, BFN!❤️🌹🤗😊
People with Parkinson’s disease (PD) often experience balance issues and an increased risk of falls due to both motor and nonmotor symptoms. Here are some key points:
Causes of Balance Issues and Falls
- Motor Symptoms:
- Axial Rigidity: Stiffness and loss of flexibility.
- Dizziness: Can be a side effect of Show Full Answer
been studying Chinese martial arts for more than half a century; still do a couple of sets of slow and fast forms of tai chi daily (I do miss the sparring with other practitioners) and about a half hour before bed, I do 15-20 mins of chi gong-- the precursor to the martial art aspect. which greatly helped with insomnia still able to teach even with body rigidity and tremors by sticking to the basics--how to stay grounded/rooted, which helps maintain strength, balance, and posture. best of all, it helps prevent falls. I will have to have to add that it takes hard work and dedication, but I've even taught nursing home residents, many of whom really enjoy the seated form I teach.
being light headed when standing has some relation to blood pressure
Treatment of Orthostatic Hypotension (OH)
This condition can put people with Parkinson's at risk of fainting, losing balance and falling. Recognizing the signs of OH is key to developing strategies to prevent falls, which can result in serious injuries.
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