Just Wondering Is Caffeine Good For A Person With PArkinson’s? If So Or Not -why?
livestrong.com stated the following:
Coffee is a staple in many people's lives due to its "pick-me-up" qualities and reported health benefits. What you may not know is that when you drink coffee, dopamine levels increase in your brain, leading to a better mood and feelings of wellbeing.
The MJFF Parkinson's 360 Guide listed caffeine as one way to battle the fatigue often experienced with PD. Of course, moderation is always the rule.
Double check me , but I have read that smoking and coffee are both good for PD. I won't be held responsible if someone in the group starts smoking or overdoses on coffee.
I drink about four cups of cappuccino coffee every day.
My major symptom of PD is fatigue and every time I read about how to combat this symptom; coffee is aways part of the solution. Along with exercise and naps etc. It works for me.
Now that’s a man for you. Mmm!
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