Can Anyone Recommend A Good Water Consumption App?
If you use bottled water, you can track water consumption by counting how many bottle a day you consume. You can refill the empty bottles with tap water after washing them out to reduce cost.
That’s a clever way of keeping track. Thanks for the tip. I start the day with 8 oz of water first thing even before meds to get started but also consume other foods that are hydrating. Since I am very small I can actually over hydrate so I need to be careful.
Any thing that is liquid beyond the 8 8ounces of water is extra credit!
We gave up on apps. Now I put 8 8oz bottles of water on the counter and they have to be gone by 6:00 p.m.
Eating Well .com has a good online guide that also includes other ways to stay hydrated with the consumption of fruits, vegetables and other foods that count towards daily intake.
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