What If The Current Best Treatment For Breast Cancer Was Nearly 60 Years Old And Only Made You More Comfortable For A Few Years.
Would cancer patients be as accepting as we are today?
In my opinion since my husband is dying of cancer at the moment - I think PD is a lot easier to fight & doesn't shorten your lifespan
Just me moaning Frank, best to ignore me when I get like this...😀
I’m not sure what this is all about ?
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member I'm signed up for testing the CUE1 (long waiting list) and a CBD oil trial (so far not seeing what all the fuss is about). I've also signed up for any number of surveys and questionnaires that measure or assess my condition, opinion, physical or mental health.
I'd sign up for more futuristic options like Stem cell, gene therapy or other DNA type techs, but unfortunately the most visible ones are also the most...questionable...in terms of lack of scientific rigor. Also tend to have a five figure price tag attached to them (I'm looking at you, DVSTEM).
My ex-fiancée raised £2,200 doing a wing walk for Parkinson's here in the UK. I was an active member of the local Parkinson's group until a couple of years ago.
I'm also going to test "The Breather" and you can be sure I'll report back here...in fact I've already posted that it exists on here, so maybe others will be prompted to have a go.
Passive? I don't think so.
Ok...I've counted to ten and realise I may have read in an accusatory tone that may not have been there...if that's the case, my apologies.
3 observations: 1. So far Jesus Christ is the only one documented to cure "palsy" (which puts the timeline at 2,000 +, & you can bet PD has plagued the human race from the beginning so that puts our timeliness at (Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators), I digress - Jesus healed people suffering from PD : Matthew 4:24, 8:6, 9:2-6, Mark 2:3-10 [same incident recorded in Luke 5:18-24], & Peter healed a Person with PD in Acts 9:32-35. Christ told those who sought healing for PD "Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee." "2
And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee. " "Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house." I get a strong message from these words.
(2) Whatever happened to this cure?
Did "Big Pharma" purchase it & hide it in a back drawer somewhere so they could make more money from selling us a lifetime of meds that treat the symptoms not the disease & have miserable side effects. Or was it just a hoax?
(3) When I looked up the toxic pesticide that caused my PD, the manufacturer provided the antidote for toxic exposure to dichlorvos: https://t8u6c2z7.stackpathcdn.com/~/media/HomeA... A fearless innovative Dr whom I trust told me this antidote would be effective only if used immediately after exposure but not now, 13 years after the damage has been done.
Extreme Paranoia As Side Effect Of Carbidopa?
Parkinson's And Breast Cancer
Does Anyone Have Pain And/or Anxiety Attacks Associated With PD?