I Would Like To Know How Many People Can Say They Have Daily, Ongoing Pain Of Some Sort Since They Got Parkinson.
I have been having terrible back pain. I had therapy, but it did not help. I have to constantly wear Volteran Gel or wear Salonpas pads on my back and neck. This pain keeps me for being able to do many things. I have osteoarthritis also, mostly in my hands and neck. I thought perhaps it had moved into my back, but am thinking Parkinson has more to do with my pain. Is anyone else going through this?🥺
Yes my husband with Parkinson's has pain every day. The pain could be in one area and could last for days to weeks . Then it stops and pain returns in a different part of the body. This is the way it's been since he was diagnosed 6 years ago. His neurologist told my husband years ago that there is no pain with Parkinson's. Hah, tell that to about 80% of the people with Parkinson's.!!!!
Tammy, the pain really does wear you down and with no break, it makes everything else seem harder but I am so happy you are still working to find ways to make you days better. The docs and research all confirm that quality rest, a healthy diet, less stress and exercise can go a long way to make it easier to live with PD while we wait for a cure.
Hang in there my friend and best of luck with the PT. Please keep us posted on your progress.
I have had back pain most of my life. But it has gotten worse as my Parkinson's progresses. I am currently looking for a doctor who will help me with some relief. It does keep you from doing many things you could otherwise do. And my hip wants to join in now too! LOL
Jim is in daily pain, but it is largely arthritis and the result of several compressed discs in his back, plus a less than successful knee replacement. It is made worse by Parkinson's simply because he is moving less than he did before. The worst thing you can do for arthritis pain is sit still.
I see my Orthopedic surgeon today and will ask for cortisone injections in both knees. I’ve put off knee and shoulder replacement for several yrs. I sure hope you get answers to knee pain too.
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