Should One With Parkinsons Sleep Several Hours During Day
It is important to listen to your body! Having a disease like parkinsons puts a lot of additional stress on your body and mind .If you are able to get good rest at a certain time of the day I feel as though you should take advantage of the opportunity. Many people experience things like nightmares, leg tension, arms burning,additional stresses at night when medicine may be at its weakest which makes broken sleep a normal part of life. Important to remember that your body heals , revives itself ect. when you sleep or rest . If the combinations of rest at different times of day help you then you should take advantage of that. It may allow you to take better advantage of the wake hours ,so you can exercise and think more productively. Your looking for the best balance you can achieve to be the best you can be while being constantly challenged be a disease that operate 24/7 !
I agree rest is important
Why Can I Not Sleep At Night? Is It Have To Do With Parkinson’s?
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Do You Have A Hard Time Sleeping At Night?