Have You Read The Article In Parkinson's News Today About How Cold Weather Can Affect PD Symptoms?
How Can Cold Weather Affect Parkinson’s Symptoms
Cold temperatures can affect people with Parkinson’s disease in several ways. Some people find that they experience more pain when the weather becomes chilly. Some people with PD experience increased pain and
others struggle with joints that are stiffer than usual when it is cold outside. Others diagnosed with Parkinson’s find that their tremors are worse when it’s cold outside
Some people diagnosed with Parkinson’s have autonomic dysfunction,… read more
Hand warmers help!
Very good article never heard before
Marce, As you know diabetes does effect circulation and you may never know why you feel cold but it does often mean that your circulation is being effected. Please do your best to move your feet and hands often. You can do that while sitting or laying and this on-going movement can help your circulation and improve circulation. Any movement is better than no movement and it can be formalized exercise or just flexing and stretching your hands, feet, legs, shoulders, head and neck. Please try.
Thank you much for sharing! I have diabetes as well, I am cold always!!
My blood flow doesn’t seem to go to
my feet or hands. Any information is always helpful, so thanks again!
I Get so hot most of the time but if I do get cold, I will need to take a nice warm bath then get under a really warm blanket and about 10 minutes later I'm so hot I cant stand it all over again.
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