Does Parkinson Or The Medication Affect Balance
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member - Parkinson's affects balance. Falling can be a big part of the disease. Physical therapy can help, as can things like Rock Steady Boxing, Tai Chi, and yoga. My husband improved when he started c/l but he still has unsteady moments.
I go through bouts of dizzy spells; not sure what brings them on--PD med's, colder weather, inclement weather (seems to be worse on low-visibility days), and they're getting more frequent and longer-lasting. A Stanford neurologist I saw a few months ago suggested that I wear SUPPORT STOCKINGS (similar to women's pantyhose but open-toed and thicker/more supportive. Since I'm a disabled VN vet, the VA sent me a ONE-FOOT HIGH WRAP that fits around my body where the support stockings end--above my hips. I noticed the difference immediately. Maybe it's because it forces me to maintain a better posture, especially when I'm hunched over my computer or texting on my cellphone, but all that matters is that it works for me.
In addition, I've increased my daily exercise to always spend a minimum of a half-hr each day doing the movements I've learned as a Chinese martial arts practitioner including: chi gong, tai chi, bagua, and zing yi--all of which require strength, balance, intense focus and degrees of powerful releasing of energy. I would highly recommend learning and incorporating CHI GONG into your exercise routines. I've met far too many "certified" tai chi instructors over the years who are or should be unqualified to teach.
Another reason some of us get dizzy and sometimes fall is due to vestibular problems which often come with age. The most common symptoms of vestibular disorders are DIZZINESS and trouble with your BALANCE. Your vision may also be affected. I had to give up driving due to blurred vision. I kept on getting different prescription lenses before having to depend on expensive, unreliable, and inconvenient mass-transit to get around town. As soon as we are able, my wife and I plan to move out of California, where I spent more than sixty years, to a much less expensive state or other country that has universal healthcare and suitable public transportation.
TomMcGlynn -- Falling was a dangerous symptom I experienced before being dx w/PD. The Sinemet helped a great deal. I still have balance issues; my PT has focused on balance a lot. It has helped, but takes my being aware of where I am and what I'm doing. In PT we practice "walking across creeks" -- she places these rock-like formed plastic pieces across my path. I walk across balancing and not "falling into the water." This plays out IF I CAN GO HIKING! I just keep trying! Yes, I do still have unsteady moments, i.e., turning around, change of surface area.
Has your husband ever participated in the "Big & Loud" exercise program for PD? It is also excellent with specific PD situations.
I have balance problems also. Balance seems to be my primary PD affect. Most days I can handle it. But there are days that I become very down in the dumps about my inability to Balance myself. I am very careful. I have to be.
Only when you fall over 😃
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