Fast Decline In Pd Symptoms
Have had problems with little response to my C/L. Last 3 months lost alot of strength in arms and legs in spite of excercise. Trying to get in to see neurologist. Frozen gait and feet with worsening balance. Already at 12 - 25/100’s daily. 2 1/2 years since diagnosis. Is this just the pd getting worse quicker. We are trying to adjust my meds with little luck.
Has someone out there experienced a fast rate of decline as I am going thru.
If so, did anything help.
Hi Mark. I understand you were diagnosed 2-1/2 yrs ago. Do you think you may have had some symptoms before you actually got a diagnosis. A lot of people have had Parkinson a while before seeing a doctor and being diagnosed. Just thinking this could be you. Also, so much better to see a Movement doctor rather then a neurologist, as they are Parkinson specialist, and generally know more. I would suggest you find one as soon as you can, and express your concern. It could be something other then just Parkinson for some of your other issues. Maybe not. Maybe you just need to be on a different kind of Parkinson med. Please call a Movement doctor.
Yes I am sure I had symptoms well before my official diagnosis in March of 2021
Yes I will reach out to a movement disorder specialist. Thanks for your advice.
Mark, I'm at stage 5 and it sucks, my PD is progressing very quickly due to my age, 77, and my body seems to be very unable to ward off the punishing symptoms. Hang in there pal !!! Ed
If you aren't responding to the c/l, you may have a Parkinsonism other than Parkinson's Disease. See a specialist.
Has Anyone Experienced A Sudden Decline With PD, Where There Is A Major Increase In Or Escalation Of Symptoms? If Yes, How Is It Managed?
In 3 Husbands Neurologist Went From Saying He Was First Steps Of PD To Dementia. This Is In Form Of A Question?
Heat And PD