Is There Help Out There We Can Get Through The Night Or Day For Help To Give Us Some Relief . Because It’s Getting To Be A 24/7
Check with your local nursing home to see if they do Respite Care. Some will let people stay for a few days to give caregivers a respite. Do you have family that can help you? Or can you hire a professional to come in for a few hours at a time to give you a break?
You may want to call his neurologist or family doctor for a referral with the hospital social worker. They can give you suggestions and contact information for agency's who may be able to help. I used an agency that sent out a trained caregiver to sit with my husband every other week for several hours. It was expensive but for my mental health to me it was wroth it just to be able to catch my breath or have lunch with a friend.
How Long Have You Stayed Awake For?
Anyone Else Have Double-vision Problems?
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