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Is Functional Movement Disorder Commonly Seen In The Early Stages Of PD? I Tremor And Shake, But It Is Not PD Type Tremors.

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭
posted December 4, 2023
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A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

I was diagnosed first with central benign tremors and 10 years later Parkinson moved in but carbadopa levadopa controls it

posted December 4, 2023
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Hi GinnyO,
Thanks for the hugs you have sent me. So sending some back to you and hope you are having a good day today. Take care, BFN!❤️🤗🤗😊

posted December 4, 2023
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Hi Cara,
I don't know only those with P.D. can answer that question for ya. So hope someone sees this question to assist you. Hope you are having a good day today. Take Care, BFN!❤️🤗😊

posted December 4, 2023
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

What are your tremors like?

With PD, the tremors are usually when a person is at rest. With Essential Tremors, they happen when a person is moving, i.e. reaching for something or holding something. The symptoms of FMD sound like some of the symptoms of Parkinson's. It is possible to have more than one cause of movement problems. I've seen people here who had both PD and ET.

posted December 4, 2023

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