Do You Know The Impact Of Fatigue On Those With PD?
Below is a summary of an article posted on the The Parkinson's News Forum
If you live with PD you might often feel run-down, ut of energy or even a bone-deep kind of tired. You may even feel like you are getting lazy or turning into a self-proclaimed chronic napper.
You may be surprised to know that 'you are more normal than you thought' since at least 50% of those with PD are also affected by fatigue which is a non-motor PD symptom and this fatigue can be chronic.
Fatigue in PD can be… read more
Yes, I feel the fatigue. Exercise can and does help. It's tough when the weather is terrible for outdoor activity, though. Then it's onto the bike. Indoors. Cheers.
Agree! Short naps are good for both of us.
Thanks for your thoughtful response and for sharing your experience with the various types of C-L. My doc told me today that he wants me to try the slow release with my overnight dose. I'll be on the lookout for the results. Thanks for the heads-up.
My fatigue is directly impacted by Rytary which is a type of Carbidopa/Levodopa Extended Release medication. I don't know what the difference is, but there is a distinct difference for me. Generic Carbidopa/Levodopa Extended Release and other forms may work for others and I am glad that it does. For me, it is better than nothing. I would estimate that C/L ER helps me about 10% whereas Rytary helps me closer to 80%. C/L without the Extended Release makes me sick to my stomach. This all proves to me just how different we all are. Parkinson's affects each of us differently. Forums like this can be helpful but we must take care to weigh the information here against our doctors' advice and our own personal research. Thank you, @A MyParkinsonsTeam Member (Maria) for sharing such detailed information!
10 mg for me at bedtime. I only sleep total about 5-6 hrs per nite. A great nite is 7 hrs .
Thanks to the melatonin
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I Have Been Prescribed Madopar 50mg/12.5
Mind Over Matter: The Healing Power Of Faith, National Geographic, Dec. 2016 Issue