Nothing In These 5 Stages Talks About Dementia. How Does Dementia Fit Into The Parkinson’s Progression?
Hubby. hasParkinsons Dementia after a fall hitting his head and a concussion. Hardest thing ro endure. Married 55 years. Some days he does not even know me
Clever answer!
Hopefully, It won't have a seat at the table. It's always standing in line, has a ticket to the party, and just waiting for It's opportunity to join the feast.
Most of the time, the party ends before it gets in the door.
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member - not everyone gets dementia and the extent of it really varies when it does happen. The stages seem to be based on how much assistance a person needs in their daily life. A person with mild dementia could be in any stage, if they can basically take care of themselves, but someone with bad dementia would more likely be in stages 3-5
In 3 Husbands Neurologist Went From Saying He Was First Steps Of PD To Dementia. This Is In Form Of A Question?
My Husband Was Diagnosed With Parkinsons Dementia (PHDD) Does Any One Else Have This Diagnosis ?
Is Progression Through Stages 4-5 Inevitable?Do Persons Have Reversal Of Stages Instead Of Progression