Any Other Agent Orange Folk Around?
Sean - The Parkinson’s Foundation in San Francisco on Post Street appear to knowledgeable on Agent Orange and the affect had on us who were in Vietnam during the they were spraying for deforestation. I was at a fire base in the II Corp where I understand the spraying was rather intense. I was also in the Air Cav and our Huey being open to the elements..:go figure!
I don’t miss that “hell!” But I did get all my college paid for including law school and the Cal/Vet loan for my first house, and finally a 10% disability for my lungs. All the napalm & co/2 that I and many others in country inhaled from those “crazy-ass” Huey’s. I never recalled those experiences until my Parkinson’s progressed into hallucinations and delusions which was no fun for my wife or me. She “complained to the case manager at the VA. On once in
I was in Vietnam as well.
I missed Vietnam by a year or two but was making FBM patrols out of Guam and it's presumed that I was exposed to AO there as it was used all over Polaris Point.
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