What Causes Shortness Of Breath In Parkinson’s Patient
@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member - shortness of breath isn't usually a Parkinson's symptom. Talk to your GP. It could be heart related, so needs to be checked out.
My wife often experiences what she feels is shortness of breath during off periods, but her oxygen level is still at 99% at these times. I believe (I'm just guessing, here.) that muscle stiffness (in muscles between ribs and/or in the diaphragm itself) may be giving her the impression that she can't breathe or resistance in her breathing effort, creating a kind of psychological panic.
My shortness of breath is more related to my lung disease and congestive heart failure. I have been on oxygen all the time, and then as needed. After my high blood pressure, back to all the time. I would guess that is the obvious answer. Blessings, JudyTx 🌹
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