I Had Hallucinations The Other Night, Would An Increase In Metoprolol Cause This? I Used To Be Fine Until The GP Added 25mg At Night.
The GP added 25mg of Metoprolol at night which I never took before and the other night I had hallucinations of someone trying to hurt me and my family. When my wife finally got me woken up, I was fighting the end cabinet of our tv stand. I have never done this before, and I was wondering because I read that blood pressure drugs can cause this. Thank you, Eric Schmidt
Lucas53, I am going through a bout of horrible side effects. I am not taking the medication anymore and did not need it in the first place. My former Dr seemed to have been bitten by the "OH boy, a new batch of expensive drugs with who knows what side effects." He came up with a disease that produced frightening results if I didn't begin the newest treatment. I have 3 of the illnesses that the cautions listed as who should avoid this drug. I questioned the safety of ignoring the warnings, and was told that he had carefully considered the choices. This drug was the smallest dose and the safest. I am usually very cautious due to the severity of my 3 illnesses. I discussed my concerns with my cardiologist who firmly said that the drug was not safe for me. Former Dr wanted to know who my cardiologist was. After that I have not heard anything from him or his office, except for the missed appointment fee. I missed the appointment because I had to go to the hospital after my 6th fall due to the new drug. About 2 -3 months before, he had prescribed a $4,000 a month drug that just happened to have a special program that I luckily qualified for. Oh, great! Again, I talked to my cardiologist who read the precautions and quickly said that I could not take that one because of the swelling. I have congestive heart failure and take diuretics to avoid "SWELLING." I am terrified of all this new stuff. Ya'll be careful when suddenly you "need" some new, high dollar drug for something you don't even have! JudyTx🌹
Hi Eric! Sorry to hear about your problems with taking the metropolo. I have been taking it twice a day for months now without any adverse effects, thank God. We have enough to deal with having PD without the meds adding to it. I would suggest you tell your doctor and I hope you get this resolved. Take care!❤️
Carbadopa levadopa can cause strange dreams
NIH reported the following about Metoprolol, a widely used beta-blocker, has been associated with visual hallucinations and CNS disturbances. Multiple reasons may lead to under-recognition and under-reporting of this adverse drug effect, by both patients and physicians alike.Feb 15, 201
National Institutes of Health (.gov)
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › articles › PMC(Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators)
However, there are many causes for hallucinations in folks with PD. Please read the article published by My Parkinson's Team. You can find it by searching PD and hallucinations in the Research portion of this site.
Judy, I am so sorry you are going through this but I'm proud of you for advocating for yourself. I'm also happy you have a physician helping you navigate all of this. I spent 50 yrs in medical care and am embarrassed by the current state of patient care. You may be able to talk with a pharmacist who can look over all of your meds and caution you on interactions and issues related to multiple diagnosis. That used to be the role of the pharmacist but now they are busy giving vaccines. But there are still a few who still remember their years of training and are willing to apply to the analysis of drug actions and reactions in various clinical situations.
Goof luck working thus out and making your days the best they can be. Remember, you are the only one with the whole picture so you have to help your docs treat the whole you.
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