Have You Read The Two Posting On Parkinson's News Today About PD And Depression?
Both articles discuss the potential relationship between depression and PD. Please read the entire articles on the Parkinson's News Today website for more detail
One article discusses a study that showed that depression increases the risk of developing PD
The 2nd article discusses how exercising as a way to reduce or manage depression can also reduce the risk of developing PD.
I found this interesting. I'm looking forward to see how these theories are tested in humans and what the data… read more
Dmarie, I agree with Helen. I hope you got some relief from sharing and I'm honored you chose us to share with. Please know that opening up to us could be the first step to getting some control back. I think you were drawn to this site for a reason. I hope you see it as a strength and not a weakness. Even Jesus asked for help. After a good cry, maybe temper tantrum or two or more, and a good nights sleep as Helen suggested, please consider taking some control back and asking for what you want, not just you need and please don't wait for the next life when you can do things that can make each day better while you are with us.
Maggie, yes falling down for no reason and struggling to get an accurate diagnosis can be very depressing Thank you for recognizing it and your honesty. I am so happy your doc knew you needed a different kind of doctor to help you and that the neuro gave you the best advice possible- diet and exercise. If only it was chocolate and a vacation but maybe another day (lol). Keep up the great work leading to better days.
Oh David, that's why I'm so happy you chose to join our community. Any advice for us newbies?
Thanks for sharing John. I was in the same boat- I lost interest in everything because I lost hope when told there was no cure for PD. I had no idea that was depression. If I hadn't looked further into this hopelessness, I would not be here today. As with almost everything PD related, there are a variety of causes given for depression in combination with PD. Overtime, I came to believe for me that my depression was driven by the overwhelming changes and losses in my life after getting the diagnosis and prognosis. I was grieving the loss of myself and didn't know who this new person was or what they are capable of. I only knew what the literature said about us. Boy, are they wrong in my case and I remind myself of that everyday. Loss is no longer controlling me. It certainly doesn't make me happy but doing something about it does make me happy. I hope this makes sense. I kinda like me now, PD and all.
Maria, interesting connections but I never really experienced depression until the movement issues started showing up. I wasn’t even aware I was depressed just a lack of motivation, sleep problems and weight loss.
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