Has Anyone Tried VR Headsets To Do Their Work Out?
I live in a small town without PD support groups. For my aerobic workouts, on someone else’s advice, I just started using a Meta Quest headset about 3 weeks ago, but I know there are many other types. There are a number of programs designed to get you moving and get your heart pumping. Like boxing, Pilates, stretching, etc. I’m only interested in the workout programs. I’m just wondering if others have used virtual reality as part of their workout system. I have a hard time standing in front of… read more
Thanks for the information, Mike, I wll let you know if and when I decide to buy it.
Hi Elaine. The meta quest 3 is the one I was recommended and use so I have no idea about how others work. It fits over the front of your face like a diver’s mask and is quite small, about the same size, except there’s no contact with your nose.. It does come with a few free start up programs, including a mixed reality game, which is fun , but no workout apps. There’s also a lot of stuff on YouTube, regarding how to videos on that model. They include unboxing, use of, games, etc…I would watch a few to make sure it’s what you’re looking for. I got the smaller 128 gb model which still has more than enough space for the apps I use . The apps usually run about 12-15 usd, and you can buy them at the meta store inside the headset.. As far as the cost for the headset , I paid in Canadian dollars so you’d pay considerably less. Just check the amazon site and one will be there. Let me know if I can help.
Dear Mikel; thank you for all the info on the headset. Does it come with different programs or do you buy them separately? I am having a problem trying to visualize what it looks like. Do you mind telling me what you paid for it and perhaps suggest or recommend one over another?
I don’t believe you can rent them. I bought mine on Amazon. I bought the meta quest 3. There’s a large variety of different workout programs and it’s easy to get carried away, which I stupidly did early on, and paid for it the next day by being very sore and weak I’ve been using it for about a month, still have most days when I can go well over an hour and some days where 20 min puts me on the couch and out of breath. Even when feeling like that I want to do more, and will give myself 20 minutes or so to recover and then back to it. I still find being immersed in virtual reality makes it more interesting and motivating than following something on tv so I push myself to do more. I don’t have a gym nearby, or a personal trainer, or the motivation to use either, so I just put on my headset, and pick my own workouts depending on I feel. Usually start off easy and pick up the pace from there. In the workouts you can pick your pace, speed, and intensity. Before my pd dx I had a small gym in my basement which I used regularly . Had to give it all away because I lost so much weight and strength in a short time after dx, and couldn’t use the equipment anymore. This works great for me but I wish I’d gotten it a year ago. One more thing I should mention, one game I started off with and play is called Beat Sabre. You pick the levels, and strike cubes coming at you. You strike them up, down, sideways left and right, depending on which way the arrow on the cube is pointing. They come singly and in pairs. Seems simple enough. When I first started I was quite confused and struck them wrong a lot of the time, or missed, just trying to keep up. As I played it more it got easier and easier to discern the direction faster, and now it’s second nature, which allows me more time to swing my arms more and get more exercise benefit. I can only assume it’s sharpened my mind or my reflexes somewhat, or helped me think faster because it’s crossed over into all the games I play, where you have to strike and react in different directions. My eye/hand coordination has really improved, as has my balance. I’m 72, so anything that helps my mind as well as my body is a plus. As I mentioned, I wish someone had suggested it to me long ago. Sorry for the long reply.
Hllo MikeL3! I would be very interested in trying the Meta Quest Headset! Where would I find it? Do you buy or rent it?
Just Wondering If Any Others Use Virtual Reality Headsets For Cardio Workouts.