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Genetic Component Concerns And How I Can Help

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭
Indianola, IA

I am concerned about my children and grandchildren getting this disease. One of my son’s wife’s father passed away last year from complications dealing with Parkinson’s. So those grandchildren have it on both sides. I feel like I need to do something like starting a nonprofit to raise money to help find a cure or something. I NEED to help my kiddos.

Are other people out there doing something like this?

September 12, 2023
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A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

I really appreciate this conversation. I just want to make a difference.

September 12, 2023
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Thank you for that Kenneth. I do as many as possible as well. I am hoping and praying for the best but preparing for the less than best. I am hoping someone will figure out why PD happens so someone will determine how to block or reverse the cause and maybe even prevent the disease.

September 12, 2023
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

I agree Denise. I think that knowing so little after so many years and so much effort tells the scientist a lot. I pray the researchers are not just trying to explain and cure the disease but are also still looking for the cause. PD is very elusive and there is still so much to be learned.
While I'm praying for better detection, treatment and a cure, I am also doing everything I can, including donating time and money to research, and actively participating in everything I can do to improve my quality of life.
I am so grateful to all of you for helping me do that.
I love by a lesson I was taught many years ago- I may not be able to fix anything but I can always make it better. And here we are, making it better together.
Yeah team!!!!
Have a blessed and happy day everyone,

September 14, 2023
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

I have actively searched out, applyed for and participated in every possible Parkinson's genetic research study in hopes that it will help identify a genetic connection and assist in finding a cure.
I have participated in several over the last several years and will not hesitate to continue as new research opportunities become available.

September 12, 2023
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Hi Denise, I know how you feel and said and worried about the same things you are now. When I was managing the news and the new diagnosis better, I began researching the cause and status of a cure and learned a lot. also learned that I have PD but not the gene and no history of it in my family. That helped me to worry a bit less about my children and grandchildren inheriting this gene and related disease. As I looked for ways to speed up the research and a cure, I came to learn a lot more what research was being done and by whom, where progress owas being made and what I and others could support to improve my life and that of others with PD.
After saying all of this, what I found is that very little is known about the cause and therefore the cure for PD despite the fact that this disease was diagnosed by Dr Parkinson in 1817. Unlike many other diseases,there is not an isolated cause. PD seems to be a variety of symptoms that are grouped together and given the title of PD. This made me hopeless when I first learned this but now it drives me to work on specific ways to address the mood changes, incontinence, constipation, tremors, dry eyes, drolling, slow and unstable gait, poor hand writing, slow and quiet speech, etc. It has taken a while and I do need the support from health professionals but I do have the power to make my symptoms as well as my life.
I don't think about having PD. I think about having some annoyances that I have to address on a daily basis.
As for my children and grandchildren, I pray someone will come forward with the silver bullet to rid the world of these annoyances but until that happens, I own improving what I can and accepting what I can't.
This is just my perspective based upon years of literature searches and participation in many studies. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this,

September 12, 2023

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