Are Parkinsons Sufferers Entitled To Help Buying A Hospital Style Bed To Enable Them To Get In And Out Of Bed?
My father’s legs freeze in bed which can make it a huge effort to lever himself up from horizontal with just his upper body strength (which at 81 is not so great) - it can take him 10 minutes to do it sometimes when he gets up in the night for a pee m
Great question Jong. I couldn't get a hospital bed through Medicare at this point but I did buy a $30 bed rail at Walgreens that stops me from falling out of bed when I have those crazy dreams and gives me something to help re-position myself and pull myself into a sitting position so I can get out of bed. I'm not sure it would be ideal for your Dad given his current strength but it isn't a huge investment and it might give your Dad some degree of safety and independence.
All my prayers coming your way for the best possible outcome.
Jong : Medicare will provide a hospital bed if he qualifies for home health care. You need a referral from his neurologist. I have at home PT and was told I could get a hospital bed if needed but at present I do not. Commodes and other assistive devices are also available if there is a need.The first at home evaluation will determine what he may need. Good luck!
When I was having my intake interview for in home care I was able I could qualify for a hospital bed through Medicare. I did not pursue the details as I am doing fine with our own bed and don’t even need a rail or other aid as my rollater serves that purpose. From what I understand many accommodations are available depending upon the patient’s needs..
Jong, good question. I use a bed rail but I also sleep on a thick towel or one of those blue pads they use in hospitals I use them on the couch and recliner also since it sometimes takes a bit longer to get up and to the bathroom and I don't have the control I once had and less interest in changing the sheets in the middle of the night
Like Terri, I too purchased purchased a bed rail from Amazon. It’s cool, came with a night light and a USB port. Really nice. What a change!!
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