Is This Normal
My husband has Parkinson’s-he keeps saying I’m having a affair with someone all the time or I’m going to leave him. We have been married 42 year. I would never. Is this normal?
Some days it’s rough. When I go to work he says I’m with my boyfriend
So scary. I’m sorry you are dealing with this.
It’s not abnormal for some PD patients to have confusion or other impaired cognitive issues. My hubby with PD had a lot of this before they put him on Donepezil. They just switched him to Exelon because it’s supposed to be better for his R.E.M. sleep issues. So far, it’s working good!
So sense he is further along he can just think this is this what you are saying?
Well delusional thinking is a non-motor symptom usually later on in the progression.
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