Do You Know Anything About The Zhittyas Clinical Trials FGF-1 Being Held In The British Virgin Isles?
It costs $50,000 if you are accepted. It includes the cost of manufacturing the drug, importation and exportation of the drug, cost of thevintranada
I have read about it . You have to pay all your expenses, so it is quite costly. I do not recall haw long you must stay but they do say they are achieving positive results. I am on a list waiting to see when clinical trials will begin in the US. However, there is a chance it will never go to market. the test phase is being done in the British isles because the company can not get clearance to do it elsewhere.
Does Anyone Know About The Research Drug FGF-1 Or The Company Behind The Research “ZHITTYA Genesis Medicine Inc.”?
I Am Close To Committing To The FGF-1 Treatment By Zhittya.(triggers Angiogenesis) . I Know This Is In The Research Phase. Any Thoughts?