Has Anyone Tried Cannabis For Treatment ??
Was watching a special on cannabis for seniors ??
Yes my wife says it helps her pain alot. She still has pain but cannabis gives her a better perspective of how the pain feels.
Yes and it calmed me and helped me sleep.
Yes, some people with Parkinson’s use medical marijuana as a complementary therapy to treat symptoms including pain, mood problems, and sleep disorders. According to the knowledge base, 137 people have indicated they have taken medical marijuana for Parkinson's disease.
This AI-generated response comes from MyParkinsonsTeam and other selected sources. It is not a substitute for medical advice. Always ask your doctor about specific health concerns.
What kind of pain are you having ??
I eat some chocolate with thc in it during the evening some days. It just has a calming effect and puts everything on the back burner, so to speak, allowing me to calm down, and calming symptoms, including pains as well.
Has Anyone Tried Canabis Oil As A Pd Treatment? If So How Have You Found It, Any Improvements Etc?