Has Anyone Heard Of A Person With Parkinson's Having Cold Hands & Cold Feet. It Happens 1 Or 2 Times A Day.
There are times when I have these I also have some heavy breathing and a warm chest (right side). It lasts anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours. I usually have to put on gloves and heavy socks.
Yes I do. Cold Feet.
Peggy Pierson
Hi Gus, this has been going on for a few months. I started noticing that my feet were hurting and cold. So now I wear socks and slippers....of course I am also finding that I am cold overall and a few days....ok most days, I have a blanket on my legs. Yes it is 98° outside but my husband turned up the a/c to 74°. I almost want him to go a little more 😒 it just seems like my internal furnace isn't working right.
Hi Melissa,
How often do you get this cold feet and when where you diagnosed with Parkinson's?
I wear socks WITH slippers and it is 102°!!! Yesterday, after a little less than a of a change in dosage of Sinemet, I was wrapped in a blanket 😳 My body temp is all over the place 🙃
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