PD And Melanoma?
I read that having PD doubles your risk of getting a Melanoma. That having a Melanoma doubles your risk of developing PD
Weird or what. Have any of you seen that?
I had Melanoma in 2010. I was diagnosed with PD last year. I spoke with my Neurologist about the likelihood of the Melanoma being caused by the PD medications and he told me that that theory was debunked. He did say, people with PD have a higher risk of getting Melanoma but, it was not associated with the PD medications. Annual examinations by a Dermatologist is paramount and daily self inspections as well.
My husband gets squamous cell carcinomas every few years. He has very fair skin and used to spend a lot of time outdoors. He sees a dermatologist twice a year, so hopefully anything worse will be caught early.
I feel like the saying “pride goeth before s fall, but it also goeth before an oil spillover. No insult intended; I just want to say don’t feel alone; I’m terrible when I need/want something and I hate needing or wanting help unless I simply cannot do wgzgttu.and s Red see…,here again my brain any by understanding has ceased workings. N cry I 1
Unfortunately, it's true. Good catch Dale...
Is Skin Cancer Statistically More Prevalent In Parkinson's Patients?
With Parkinson's, Have Any Of You Experienced Skin Cancer?
I Had Melanoma I Got Told. That If You. Had This Cancer You Are Likely To Get PD. Which I Have. How Are These Two Are Related?