Anti Tremor Wearable Device
Hi! Has anyone tried this?
If this product is that effective don't you think we would have heard about it via the Michael J. Fox Foundation etc.?
The website is very simplistic. Not created by a professional site maker. This statement on their site gives can eliminate any legal liability due to the way it's written:
What effects can you expect when using ATD? (Their answer BELOW)
"Exactly what anti-tremor effects you will experience when using ATD is hard to say. For the effect is different from person to person."
The ADT product does not seem to have been tested or approved by any agency. Why? Maybe because it is manufactured and sold in another country.
NOTE: Dr. Tass's 'Vibrating Glove' is presently in a trial stage with over 3000 participants enrolled nationwide. BTW, a friend of mine who is also on our PACF Board uses the glove and loves it. If you want to know more about the glove, Google it.
Thanks Dale. This is the first time I came across something like this, so i thought i would ask. I am watching the Tass Vibration Glove closely, seems promising, so when i saw this i was curious.
Thanks Phil. I agree it seems really expensive
Hi Saloni, hi Dale, seems a lot of money for a watch strap, makes me tremor thinking about it. How does it tell the time ? This lady's not too sure how effective it is for her ! 😁😁😁
There are many devices on the market designed to accomplish tremor dampening. This appears to be poorly designed and over-priced.
Here’s an article from the APDA There’s a link to a report contained within.
Anti-Tremor Device: Anyone Tried A Wearable ATD? Worth Trying?
Wearable Anti-Tremor Devices (ATDs). Has Anyone Tried This? Results?
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