Is The Lack Of Control Over Your Emotions A Symptom Of PD?
I seem to not be able to control my anger as of late. I say too many things that can not be unsaid and have to constantly apologize, it's like my filter went away! What I say is always valid, but still hurtful. And then come the tears and sobs. Because I feel horrible for being an ass, then feel sorry for myself lol.
I feel that it all comes from pent up frustrations from just everyday bs, dropping things, forgetting things , another trip up the stairs, etc., etc.
Anyone else relate?
I also have a tendency to anthropomorphize Parkinson’s. I talk to it, and about it, as if it were a person.
I am with Ray, although being a manly man ;) I have always teared up at Hallmark commercials...and don't even mention the returning military members surprising family. Now it is even worse, I lose it during moments in movies and TV shows. I have heard the term emotional incontinence being used, which seems to sum it up pretty well
We all have so much to deal with on a daily basis and for many of us we have lost lost so much. Frustration and hyper sensitivity is a logical result. I lash out more often now, especially when I am told that I can't do something I used to easily do. I must thank God for giving me the most wonderful husband. He no longer gets angry or impatient when I "react" to something he says. He understands. He let's me off the hook afterwards by telling me he knows I am sorry and that I am just frustrated. But every once in a while he will just look at me smile and tell me I was like this long before PD and he still loved me!
Here you go:
Yes! I feel so very frustrated sometimes that I have to sequester myself in my room. I am trying to take more time to get things done or if they don’t get done that day and have to take a nap, so what? Being good to myself and trying to accept that I have challenges has been hard. ❤️
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