I'm Guessing That This Has Been Ask Before. Does PD Cause Death?
You don’t die from PD you die with PD
It's my understanding that no, PD doesn't directly cause death. I believe the most common causes of death in PD are 1) falls that cause serious injuries, such as fractured skull, and 2) pneumonia, caused by weak throat muscles that suck particles of food into the lungs. Hope this helps.
Hello all my team members. It has been a very rough past these last six weeks. My wife being on Hospice. Then taken off a week ago, and being let go on no “substitute for the liquid morphine and Fentanyl patch, to which her body had become addicted to. So the docs and nurses in their infinite wisdom, let her go “Cold Turkey”. Being ticked off is putting it mildly. Her actions, verbal conversation(dream mixed into reality, was so heartbreaking to watch her go thru. But you know what, I am a child of God & Fear is of that old Devil-Satin. I need prayer from those who Believe in God, His son Jesus, who died for our sins on that old rugged Cross, died, was buried, and after 3-days Arose to tarry but a few hours and on to his Father to sit on the right hand of God. Thanks my Parkinson’s family for your comments, your prayers, and your Faith in pushing thru this terrible disease. I see my Neurologist this coming week of February 20th to get my assessment of where exactly on the stages of PD I am at and if he/she feel I would benefit from DBS. Stay well, stay safe, and NEVER GIVE UP! Love, Tight Hugs, Peace and Comfort for all!! Mean it. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂💕💕💕💕💕💕☮️☮️☮️☮️💝💝💝💝.
PD itself does Not cause death. As irritating as they are, you don't die of tremors, bradykinesia, dystonia, or even cognitive degeneration. People with PD do not have a shorter lifespan than anyone else. A lot of it depends on your reaction to PD. Lying around causes death, so does lack of proper nutrition. Complications from falls can cause death, so get your physical &/or occupational therapy to reteach yourself balance & how to walk. PWP's die of the same things everyone else does: heart disease, cancer, stroke, or simply old age. Get out there & Live!
The answer is NO so quit worrying so. Other diseases causes the death.
No Dopamine To Be Found Anywhere ...
If Parkinson’s Won’t Kill You Why Is There An End Stage Where They Tell You To Bring Hospice In And Get Your Ducks In A Row???????? Falling