Does Anyone Have A Good Contact To Discuss Whole Body Donation?
I want to donate my MSA-Parkinsons body to sciene to help doctors in the future find a cure for this awful disease, but I don't know where to start.
If you pass in a hospital and they anticipate your demise they will ask your relatives.
Hello! I just signed up to see if there are good ideas for gifts for my dad with advanced PD but then saw this. I'm a physician and part of my job is related to brain donation (not specifically MSA). I have heard this group is very good and the tissues go toward medical research:
and the related group:
I know is good and does a ton to help research.
Either could probably point you to another donation group if your particular clinical symptoms don't quite meet what they are looking for.
Best of luck. It's great that you are thinking of donating.
I have always had my license marked as an organ donor, but now I have been giving a lot of thought to making it specific. I want my brain to be used, so maybe someone else doesn’t get this “Gift that doesn’t stop taking” as Michael J Fox says. I have been considering donating my body, but he has no objection to giving multiple organs from my body, but he wants my body to be by him and our son, and I understand that completely. I know my son is not in his grave, his spirit is with God, but I believe God created each of us by his own hand and therefore I see my son’s bones as sacred. So I understand my husband’s desire to have me by them. Hopefully the three of us will be surrounded and filled with the Love of God with Him for eternity in heaven.
Scottsmom 💕✝️💕🙏🏼💕🕊
Loma Linda Hospital in Southern California is a teaching Hospital and they always need those donations.
Here's a link to their program:
Good for you to be considering such a really special gift. 😊
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