Does Anyone Deal With The Sensation That Something Is Stuck In Your Throat?
My husband with Parkinson’s constantly complains that he feels like something is stuck in his throat and won’t go down. Prior to his PD diagnosis this year we had been to gastroenterologist for endoscopy, two different swallow tests. They could find no reason for this. I feel pretty sure this is due to PD. He also complains of mucus or phlegm in his throat and is always trying to cough it up. His neurologist suggested at last visit that he try Omeprazole for a month and see if that helps… read more
Pk is a. Relentless disease their is very few options
I had swallowing tests also not to many choices other than softer food or smaller bites wash it down with liquid.
My husband has had throat problems for years now. His he has been spitting up saliva for some time, food gets stuck. His esophagus does not work like it should, I think caused by PD. His throat stays open and he coughs all the time. The nurologist is going to Botox his saliva glands in his mouth to see if that will slow down his swallowing that is causing him to spit up all that built up saliva in his stomach…we will see if that works…. I think because the esophagus is a muscle PD might be tightening his muscles in his face, throat, esophagus, etc. I am no dr , just thoughts through the years of everything that he has been experiencing… 🙏🥰🙏
I had the same thing and was tested and they could not find anything.Better thing to do is take smaller bites anf softer foods
And take speakout courses
My husband often has pills get stuck in his throat. Usually eating a bite of bread is more effective at moving it along than drinking liquids. He is having his first meeting with a speech pathologist tomorrow and is supposed to be given exercises to strengthen his throat muscles as well as strategies for swallowing food more safely to avoid aspiration. Thankfully, there are often things to do to help counteract many of the symptoms of PD. I think my husband’s positive attitude also helps him a great deal. Good luck! 🤗
Stretching Out My Neck To Swallow Pills?
Problem With Swallowing
Did Anyone Have Unexplainable Itching, Burning Sensation’s Somewhere On Your Body As One Of Your First Symptoms Of Parkinson’s?