Is Myoclonus Preliminary To PD?
I don’t know if I have ever seen myoclonus listed as a PD symptom. It may have delayed my diagnosis. When I first had movements symptoms, it was a rhythmic spasm of my left thigh muscle. I was already seeing a neurologist (who was also a movement disorder specialist) for migraines and when I asked her about it, she called it myoclonus. It lead her to test for tons of other things (PD wasn’t on her list since I was only 37 and myoclonus isn’t a PD symptom). Every negative test would stress me out and my symptoms would get worse. I went from “myoclonus” in my thigh in May to my abs spasming and causing me to do crunches when I would lay down to sleep in October. I might add that I was under enormous stress working as a teacher while taking courses online to complete my teaching certificate. Anyway, I eventually asked about PD since we were running out of tests, she did some in office screening and noted that I did not swing my right arm while walking. She ordered a DAT scan and it was negative. She also told me the encouraging fact that some people never get a diagnosis. We moved from AZ to TX and I started seeing a VA dr then COVID hit. After a few tests and observations he described my movements as dystonia not myoclonus, my VA dr thought it may be dopamine responsive dystonia and prescribed the same medicine used for PD. It worked a little, so he upped the dosage but told me that my dosage was too high for dopamine responsive dystonia. Eventually I was sent to University Texas Hospital and the neurologist there ordered a new PD test called SYNOne. The test takes three small skin biopsies and examines the nerve endings for the misfolded protein that causes PD. My test came back positive. So what one neurologist called myoclonus another called dystonia and dystonia is a common first symptom of young onset Parkinson’s.
Thank you for sharing this,I am 90 and the Myoclonus jerking started about 8 years ago. My primary care physician has PRN doubling of the Closezpam.
Thanks again, my jerking is more severe when exhausted or stressed.
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How Many Have Had A Diagnosis Of Epilepsy, Particularly Myoclonic, Or Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy Before Being Diagnosed With Parkinson Syn.