Does Anyone Have Good Experirnce With Probiotics?
I eat All Bran with fruit EVERY day. Keeps me regular but need some variety! Anyone have good experirnce with probiotics. I hesitate to take additional capsules but am curious about others veiws.
I agree with Dale. I have been taking a probiotic for years but I can’t tell if it is helping. The best way to find out is to withdraw the probiotic and see if my symptoms get worse but I am not willing to do that. I see a new GI doctor in October. I will ask him if I should add a prebiotic to my medications.
Im trying to eat a cup of fresh fruit or vegies at every meal as often as i can.. eat Activia yogurt and probiotic every day. Oatmeal every other day. Omega 3s and stool softener daily. LOTS OF WATER.
Don’t spill prune juice on a white uniform especially if you’re working in a hospital; patients will look at you as though you belonged in the bed next door.
Bio-Kult Mind probiotics with bacillus subtilis
Cabbage, says my sister, cabbage is what you want. Or sauerkraut will work. My problems aren’t her problems and I can’t have either. Probiotics says one doctor (not my sister) prebiotics says another (also not my sister), but oatmeal works for me.
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