Any One Out There Have A Bad Festinating Gait? What Medication Works For Stutter Stepping?
My husband festinates, mostly when he is walking alone. It has led to some bad falls. If I am with him, I notice that he is hunching forward and taking smaller steps and will make him stop, straighten up, and start over. When he was doing the LSVT-Big therapy his steps got bigger, which stopped the festinating, but that was a while ago and he hasn't kept up the exercises. If you can focus on walking heel to toe instead of on your toes and taking bigger steps, it helps, but you really have to work on it consistently.
I did the big program and it helped a great deal. I graduated to Rock Steady Boxing, and that helped even more. Ginny is right. Whatever you do you have to continue doing it or you backside rather quickly.
My doctor put me on 1mg ropinerole (Requip) in the morning and early afternoon, 2mgs at bedtime. I couldn’t believe how much it helped .
Tai Chi . . . is awesome!
Hey ShakyBaker,
I don't think I have freezing gait, but I do have the stutter step. It is mostly when I go through a door and want to step back in. And if I change direction. I also did the big pt, and it keeps me focused on where my feet are. If I can think through all this, I CAN walk with a deliberate, normal step.. It's all about figure for me. I can't just change direction like I used to. Tai Chi has helped me also to be aware of where my feet are.
Blessings, Karen
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My Husband Has Been Diagnosed For 3 Yrs Now. He Is 65. Sometimes When He Is Walking, His Legs Don't Stop When He Wants Them To. Why Is That?