Does Anyone Else Take Clonazepam Does It Help I Take For Night Movements And I'm Not Sure It Helps Very Much And I Still Don't Sleep
No night movements in sleep
I just lost several paragraphs of typing on this subject l.this is so maddening. It happens to me all the time! Anyone else have this problem? I was trying to correct a typo. Guess if you want to hear from me you’ll just have to put up with my PD typos!
👋 Les Williams 2,
It's a good to meet you.
I have been on klonopin, aka Clonazepam for about 20 years. I take it because I am bipolar. It is used for mania. It was, of course, prescribed by a psychiatrist. I have no idea. How it effects pd, but in my case, there is no conflict with sinemet
I’ve never taken clonazepam. I was on Xanax in 2020 while I was in the hospital and nursing home for 5 weeks to help me sleep. Worked well for me. When I got home it was stopped and family doctor would not prescribe it for me. He tried a lot of different meds to help me sleep but unfortunately nothing worked. After being diagnosed in April of this year I take sinemet 3-4 times a day and they just recently put me on gabapentin up to 300 mg a day for pain in my foot and to help me sleep. I now sleep anywhere from 7-9 hours a night which I was barely getting 3 hours. I usually only need 200 mg a day. It’s helped me.
For 15 years I have taken clonazepam for severe jerking as I try to get to sleep. That was way before I had symptoms of PD. So for the past 5 years began to experience tremors, then balance issues. I take 2-.5mg before bed and within 20-30 minutes I'm out. lol. But like others, since developing PD I have been falling out of bed (had pillows on the floor, but it was often hard to get back up. I also enact my dreams from time to time and so does my wife who also has PD (what a coincidence???). She has punched me out in the middle of the night! I, on the other hand, have wonderful conversations that my spouse tells me all about (usually don't make sense---e.g. to her ;-). what I do have which no one else has mentioned is that I experience transitional dreaming, where I'm dreaming about waking up and giving the dog a hug to take her out. The only problem is that I haven't had a dog in 15 years! Then I awake with the same awareness and I'm fine. Weird. This frequently happens. It's like deja vu, except that it has different content similar to when I wake up but then it's poof, I'm up and it's no longer there. What I'll never understand is how the Sinemet and the clonazepam interact and if that causes any disturbances.
Lastly, I finally broke down and bought a fancy shmancy railing/fence on Amazon. Although it folds down, that has to be performed from outside of the bed, by I suppose a caregiver? So, I don't lower it and I have to scooch far enough down the bed to swing over. And that hurt me and frequently I am just ot that strong. So..... then I bought one of these rope ladders that are horizontal and remain on the be during the night and if necessary,, which is at least once to go pee, then I use it to help me scooch. All-in-all it's a pain in the__. However, I no longer fall out of bed and therefore it's absolutely worth it.
Do You Have A Hard Time Sleeping At Night?
Sleep Med
Does Anyone Else Have Such Vived Dreams And Talk, Scream Or Holler Out In Your Sleep? Does It Wake You Or Your Wake Your Spouse?