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Why Do Some Live 10+ Years With PD And Some Less?

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭
Breaux Bridge, LA 70517
August 6, 2022
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A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

I was diagnosed at 65 & am now 80.I was determined to be as fit as possible so that my grand children would have happy memories of me. I joined lots of exercise groups & attended lots of conferences. At the end of 2019 there were several tragedies in our Parkinson group, which upset us badly. I was on the verge of giving up.However with the help of my husband & family I am still here. My five great grandchildren give me great pleasure & the inspiration to stay as well as possible. I know that I will die with PD but we have installed safety rails inside & outside our house, eliminated trip hazards & are very conscious of danger. I use a 4 wheeled walker to walk to the local shops & have a 3 wheeled walker to use in the house. I also have a very supportive husband, three loving children, five grandchildren & five great grandchildren.
Enjoy life to the fullest!! Regards June.

August 7, 2022
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

That is absolutely true, I was 68, when diagnosed.
I suffer from swallowing, I get joked on my own saliva. Sever vertigo, Falling, sleep, movement’s.
There was a Dr on Good Morning American. Couple weeks ago. He was talking about the number one killer of people over 70. Can u guess,
Falling and breaking your hip or knee. Your bones won’t Heal well most die 6 months to 5 years. Most of the falls are from us doing something we had no business doing. He really woke me up. I get on ladders , get myself in situations that I could get hurt doing. Tripping on rugs over your dog. With my vertigo, I can’t go backwards at all. Im going to get hurt. So everyone, please be very careful my friends.

August 6, 2022
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

You wont find that attitude here. You are among friends. If there is anything you need to talk to someone here will definitely help or if you need a shoulder to cry on my shoulders are wide and i offer them. There are a lot of wide shoulders on here. The thing you definitely need to do if you can is Physical therapy asidevfrom the help you get from falling and physically fit. physical therapy produces dopeamine in your brain. And one of the helps with PD is not enough dopeamine.. i f you have any questions please put them on here and you will get responses. As far as your husband is concerned do rely on him. You are among friends and never to us a burden.

August 12, 2022
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

I’m so jealous of the people, who have their family standing right beside them.
My husband ignores, like it doesn’t exist. Helps me with nothing. If he has to he has a screaming fit joe date I put him out. I need to divorce him we will be married 51 yrs in September. Where would I go at age 72.
My daughter moved 8 hrs away.
My sons a Dr. He won’t answer his phone or never comes by.
Al I have left is one friend. She a school teacher she does all she can to help me.
But schools back in, so I don’t bother her, she needs her job.
She does check on me everyday.
It’s just me,I stay so depressed.
But I try to stay after it. Attend exercise classes. Shout we sing and read its alot of fun.
I’m joining ymca. They offer boxing, water aerobics, drums.
U guys count your lucky stars if you have supportive family.

August 12, 2022
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

good to know attitude is everything. I complained I had no feet until I saw a person with no legs

August 7, 2022

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