yes,soft voice and I can't sing on key anymore
July 31, 2022
Yes, I have a lower tone now!
August 15, 2024
Yes, voice changes are common in people with Parkinson's disease. Some members of MyParkinsonsTeam have shared their experiences and tips for managing these changes:
- Vocal Exercises: Practicing vocal exercises can help maintain muscle strength. One member mentioned doing music therapy and vocal exercises, including Show Full Answer
Yes, voice changes are common in people with Parkinson's disease. Some members of MyParkinsonsTeam have shared their experiences and tips for managing these changes:
- Vocal Exercises: Practicing vocal exercises can help maintain muscle strength. One member mentioned doing music therapy and vocal exercises, including singing karaoke.
- Vocal Rest: Scheduling vocal rest before speaking engagements can make conversations flow more easily.
- Patience from Listeners: It's important for listeners to be patient, as people with Parkinson's may lose words or their train of thought during conversations.
For more detailed information, you can refer to the article on life hacks for Parkinson’s disease [here](
July 19, 2024
Yes, I cant seem to hear how load I'm talking!
July 31, 2022