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How To Fight Extreme Fatigue In PD?

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question đź’­
Plainville, MA

How to fight extreme fatigue? Is it caused by the PD or by the carbidopa/levodopa? I get very tired when walking or exercising or even when talking. I don’t have any heart or lungs problem, this fatigue just showed up some time after I was diagnosed with PD. I would appreciate any inputs on that. Thank you.

July 30, 2022
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A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

To manage extreme fatigue in Parkinson's disease (PD), consider the following tips:

1. Try Caffeine:
- Caffeine can provide an energy boost but avoid it after 3 p.m. to prevent sleep disturbances.

2. Avoid Alcohol:
- Alcohol can negatively affect sleep quality, making you feel more tired the next day.

3. Adjust Show Full Answer

To manage extreme fatigue in Parkinson's disease (PD), consider the following tips:

1. Try Caffeine:
- Caffeine can provide an energy boost but avoid it after 3 p.m. to prevent sleep disturbances.

2. Avoid Alcohol:
- Alcohol can negatively affect sleep quality, making you feel more tired the next day.

3. Adjust Medications:
- Consult your doctor about your medications. Sometimes adjusting the dosage can help manage fatigue.

4. Get Moving:
- Engage in physical activities like yoga, brisk walking, bike riding, or swimming to boost energy levels.

5. Let Yourself Rest:
- Take breaks and naps during the day. Experiment with short (30 minutes) or longer (1.5 hours) naps to see what works best.

6. Take Care of Your Mental Health:
- Address any depression or anxiety with your doctor, as these can worsen fatigue.

For more detailed information, you can visit the resource: [Managing Fatigue and Parkinson’s Disease: 6 Tips for More Energy](

July 19, 2024
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

You need to let your Neurologist know what is going on. If your doctor does not make any changes then seek another opinion. Never be afraid to seek opinions.

July 30, 2022

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