How Do You Know Your Pain Is From PD?
My husband is complaining of pain in his right shoulder. Says it is worse than any other aches and pains he has. I have learned from this site that pain, and perhaps shoulder pain especially, is common in PD. If you have experienced this, what did you do to rule out any other causes. In other words, how did you come to ascribe it to PD?
I agree -- get a diagnosis and ask for a script for Physical Therapy
Yes it's from PD. I have pain in my shouleer too for a long time. It's definitely the PD.
I think with any new pain that lasts for more than a week or that is really acute, a doctor should be consulted. You don't want to ignore something that might be fixable or that could be the sign of something really bad.
Most of my pain comes from sciatica which seem to happen when I got Parkinson's or when it got worse couldn't really tell you.
Does Anyone Post DBS Surgery Have Extremely Sensitive "zinging" Feeling At The Wire Site Behind Ear And In Neck,almost Painfil Tingling?
I Have Been Prescribed Madopar 50mg/12.5
Mind Over Matter: The Healing Power Of Faith, National Geographic, Dec. 2016 Issue