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How Do I Determine If Medication Is For Me With Mild Symptoms.

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭
Arnolds Park, IA

I was officially diagnosed from the results of a DaTScan. I have been searching for four years for a solution. In 2021 I developed a tremor in my left hand. Loss of smell 17 years ago. After multiple friends and family asked about the shaking of my hand it forced me to push for a referral to a neurologist. My memory is short, difficult concentrating, tremor and mobility issues in left arm, and I can’t find my words quite often. Lately, since learning I have PD, I’ve been edgy and notice… read more

July 23, 2022
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A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

I did not get nauseous on the Sinemet (c/l). But after having to increase my doses to 8 pills per day, I did get dyskinesia. And then I had to take amantadine to fix that. And I have heard of folks that take 12 or more pills per day without getting dyskinesia. It will vary from one person to the next, (as you know). The dyskinesia is what you see when you look at Michael J. Fox. So the swaying and dancing like movements. I didn't like all those pills, so I had DBS surgery last Fall. Only take 3 Sinemet per day now, and No amantadine!

Blessings, Karen

July 25, 2022
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

MaryAbrahamson, 59 is not old age, LOL! I hope you were jokingly saying that? Anyway, I don’t think you’ll know if you are better off taking the meds or not, unless you try them. I’m not saying you will progress faster if you don’t take them, only that they , in most cases, make the journey a bit easier. I’ve been diagnosed since 2007 and my meds help me , along with eating right and exercise every day.

July 23, 2022
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Mary, I agree with Dale and Karen. I decided not to take any meds after hearing I had PD in Geneva Switzerland as the neurologist there said it was my choice. When I returned to South Africa, the neurologist here was shocked and felt I should have been encouraged to start immediately, Once the meds kicked in, I was a different person, so for me they helped greatly. But ultimately it is your own choice.
Have a blessed day.

July 23, 2022
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

First off, 59 is not old.

Every symptom you are experiencing is directly related to the death of brain cells. You can put off medication for as long as you want, but this disease is going to progress faster if you do.

July 23, 2022
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

This is a journey that each of us must walk together. Medication can improve your quality of life. Live in the moment since the moment is all any of us have.

July 27, 2022

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