Any Wisdom On Dyskinesia And Toe And Foot Spasms?
I've roller skied thousands of miles in my lifetime. Some of the roads were smooth but most were bumpy and moon like marked by tell tale craters. So my feet have taken a beating and my toes zip left and right at opposing 45 degree angles. Couple that fact with dyskinesia from Parkinson's medications and the spasms and twitches in my feet and toes are quite painful and stop me at times in my tracks
I've tried different running and biking shoes and various xc ski boots with some success. I've… read more
I appreciate the note and look forward your post with the prescription to treat foot spasms. I agree that there is no other option but to press on.
I also want to thank MountainWoman for your recommendation to use yoga toes. I've modified mine so they separate two critical toes. Also the mineral hot spring idea is a winner. I tried the opposite..... submersing my leg and feet in an ice bucket. It seemed to work. I'll try heat tomorrow.
Thank you.
I saw my a couple of days ago and he prescribed a new med for that I really have it in my sleep I can't remember what it's called when I get it I'll post it but there's really nothing but cut off carbadopa and then everything else returns no win situation we just have to fight on
I massage my feet gently & put everything back where it goes. Walking in water helps, especially in current pools (I go against the current for a little at first, then finish with the current at my back to combat the PD leaning forward slump). Mineral hot springs are helpful - somehow the minerals stop my tremors for hours. Yoga toes might help
Gabapentin helps my foot pain
I discovered or uncovered the secret to eliminating foot and toe spasms as well as shin pain by wearing knee length "compression" stockings. I've wrestled with these three spasm issues for over a year and wearing compression stockings for a single day solved these. I'm now an every day compression stocking advocate. And praise D r. KuRuth for her suggestion.
Rowan, Boulder and Tom
Hemp Oil
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