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Does Anyone Take Something Other Than Levodopa And If So What Are Your Side Effects ?

A MyParkinsonsTeam Member asked a question 💭
Palm Harbor, FL

What other meds are available for PD and how are they tolerated.

July 23, 2022
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A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

I've been on Ropinerol 3x a day since I was diagnosed in 2019. Just this last month my doctor added Carbidopa-levadopa at bedtime to help with my terrible stiffness in bed. It does help and I'm sleeping much better. It's such a slippery slope with meds, and if I don't immediately go to bed after taking my Carbidopa/levadopa I have terrible nausea. So it's pill, then lights out. I hope you get some answers.

August 1, 2022
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

Rytary is very expensive, with Medicare and supplemental coverage only covering 50%. I am pretty happy with the Rytary so far. I take it only from 7:30 am - 7:30 pm and it does address my symptoms pretty well—along with Rasagiline. I’m also starting to look at DBS to reduce/eliminate my need of medications. More to come.

July 24, 2022
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

My husband was given Rytary when our movement dr. was at vanderbilt. They were then giving him samples from their pharmacy. We then were given a grant that we applied for for being in a certain income bracket. Its been a great med for my husband, but that is why he continues to take the Rytary.

July 23, 2022
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

@A MyParkinsonsTeam Member - since Rytary is time released, it may be effective for a longer period of time. Some people have 'off' periods before it is time to take their next dose of c/l and Rytary smooths out the ups and downs.

To the OP - my husband was prescribed a couple of other drugs along with the c/l (Amantadine for one) and didn't feel like they made a difference. Given the list of possible side-effects, he didn't think it was worth continuing.

July 23, 2022
A MyParkinsonsTeam Member

I have been taking Carbifopa/Levadopa 25-100 since May 2019 and am fortunate that my tremors are gone. I take a pill 3x's/day.


July 23, 2022

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