Do Adjustable Beds Help In Getting Out Of Bed? I Have Difficulty Getting Comfortable.
I’m like a dead weight.
Too soft a mattress makes getting out of bed difficult and you spend a lot of energy. I also gator roll during the night because it is hard for me to stay comfortable In the same position all night . Neck tightness is one of the challenges with Parkinson’s. Keeping your abdominal muscles strong is a must for sitting up and standing up.
Adjustable beds are helpful, and rails as they can be lowered when one is not needed.
I have adjustable bed that I like for comfort but does not help for my dead weight.
a rail sounds really helpful I do not have one.
I have to use my feet and just try and work myself over to my side and then swing my legs off and get up that way not easy.
Changing positions at night is always an ordeal usually I have to get up which is an also an ordeal to come back to a new position.
So I don't consider night time to be much fun.
I push with my feet as well.
Sometimes I'm a dead weight as well. I struggle to turn over so I can use the rail easier. I also push with my feet. Not easy!
Looking For A Comfortable Bed. Any Suggestions?
Frustrated With Wetting The Bed
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