What Kinds Of Vision Changes Occur With Parkinson's?
Double vision blurry sensitive to light
Double vision. blurry vision, night blindness
My eyes have stopped focusing together at times causing me to be unable to read or drive, etc. My eye doctor said it is called nonconvergence. I had to have prisms added to my glasses and that helps tremendously. I find it happens after I read or intensely focus for extended periods of time. I have to stop using my eyes for specific jobs, rest or even nap and after an hour or more I am usually able to see clearly again and able to read for awhile. As an avid reader, this has been the worse issue of PD for me, even over the tremors and other symptoms actually. I hope you have or can find a good ophthalmologist who is knowledgeable in PD. Mine is very up on the issues and makes me feel so comfortable on what to expect. Good luck and if I can be any help or resource, please contact me. Sue
(I never knew PD had so many effects on the eye and there were things that could be done to help them.)
Wish you good eye healing!
I had vision issues and had laser surgery on both eyes because some type of film covered my eyes and i couldnt see right, however, this could have been do to my cataract surgery and not from my Parkinson’s;so i dont really know now! Good luck with your eyes!
Trouble With Vision
Has Anyone Noticed That Their Vision Is Getting Worse?
In 3 Mos.my Husbands Neurologist Went From Saying He Was First Steps Of PD To Dementia. This Is In Form Of A Question?