Are There Specific Exercises PD Patients Should Do?
My husband was diagnosed in December at age 69. He has been going to the gym -- mostly walking on the treadmill and using the rowing machine. I'm wondering if there are specific exercises he should be doing and if a trainer would help. Thank you and warm wishes for your journey.
Can’t speak highly enough about the “BIG” exercise program. Requires a Dr.s prescription and a “certified “ physical therapist to help you learn how to do the exercises correctly BUT VERY VERY helpful
My physical therapist had me doing the big and loud exercises. Then I joined the warm water exercises at our YMCA and that's basically what they do in the warm water. I do that for one hour three times a week. I'd like to know if that's even enough exercise
The Parkinson’s Outcomes Project shows that people with PD who start exercising earlier and a minimum of 2.5 hours a week, experience a slowed decline in quality of life compared to those who start later.
help manage the symptoms of PD, be sure your exercise program includes a few key ingredients:
Aerobic activity
Strength training
Balance, agility and multitasking
The Parkinson's Foundation, in collaboration with the American College of Sports Medicine, created new Parkinson’s disease (PD) exercise recommendations to ensure that people with Parkinson’s are receiving safe and effective exercise programs and instruction.
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You can Google any info you want about anything related to Parkinson.
I just got home from physical therapy
And what a workout 😜.I was working with weights 2 lb on my legs doing marching and kicks up.Then more I
Road the bike 🚲 for a while about 20 minutes.It was my very best day ever 💜❤️. So exercise exercise everyday!!
But be sure and warm up first.
I've Been Experiencing Severe Pain In My Lower Buttocks And Back Of Upper Thighs, Is This From PD?
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Exercises For People With Parkinson's Disease